So I tried on Photoshop and the result is that the image is kind of flat with sRGB, better balanced with Adobe RGB and way too saturated with ProPhoto. I have read that ProPhoto is a better profile to use than Adobe RGB because it is larger and closer to the color gamut of the digital camera.

ICC profile download for Bundling Choose 'ICC profile download for Bundling' if you will bundle Adobe ICC profiles with hardware or software products you intend to. 2) You will see a duplicate folder that is now unzipped. 1) Right-click on the folder and choose 'Extract All' then follow the instructions. Choose 'ICC profile download for End Users' if you will not bundle Adobe ICC Profiles in hardware or software products for re-distribution. On most Windows computers, the zipped file will look like a folder with a zipper. It is intended to be used in combination with other ICC v4 profiles. DCP to ICC camera profile converter v.0.1 DNG camera profile (DCP) to ICC camera. It gives better results in workflows that implement the ICC v4 specification. SIPC - Scanner ICC Profile Creator v.1.0 SIPC (Scanner ICC Profile Creator) is an open source application to create colour ICC profiles for scanners using popular IT 8.7 (ISO 12641) targets.SIPC uses an open source ICC compatible colour management system - Argyll. The sRGB v4 ICC preference profile is a v4 replacement for commonly used v2 sRGB profiles. sRGB IEC61966-2.1 ICC Profile 3×3 Matrix. The CIE XYZ tristimulus values in the 3×3 matrices are shown below. If you're using the previous version of ProPhoto 4, 5 or 6 you can switch to 7 at a discount. For the Adobe RGB (1998) and sRGB IEC61966-2.1 ICC profiles, the Bradford transform and proper von Kries scaling were used to move the white point from D65 to D50.
We continously release new features and free updates to ProPhoto for the life of the current version.

ProPhoto is built on the WordPress platform, and fully supports WooCommerce and thousands of other plugins. Joe also makes available sets of 'saturation adjusted, Chroma Variant' versions of his working space (and now, also for ProPhoto RGB, a bit less sophisticated but all the same very useful in some workflows) - These variants take advantage of the concept of assigning a 'false' ICC profile to an image - in this case it's done to elegantly adjust.